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Apply as a Referring Member

A Referrer, which can be an individual or business entity, can refer people in their individual capacity or as a company to a Professional or Merchant, because the Referrer believes that these Professionals or Merchants offer great quality services and or products. 

For every successful referral through this REFRL Ecosystem that ends in a ‘closed’ and paid for business transaction between the Professional or Merchant and the person or entity that was referred, the Referrer will earn a REFRL REWRD, less costs.

The details of this referral fee can be found on each of the Professionals’ and Merchants’ REFRL profile page.

Costs as a Referrer to Join REFRL: FREE

Cost per successful business transaction (successful referral): 

The listed REFRL REWRD (ie: R500 – 25% = R375. You need to provide REFRL with an invoice and you are responsible for the income tax on these REWRDS) 

The REWRDS may also be as a % of the invoice amount, less your REFRL fee of 25%, less income tax)

(i.e.: Professional or Merchant says they will pay 15% of an invoice before VAT for a Successful,  Paid transaction. The invoice value was example R5,000. The referral fee is thus 15% = R750 – 25% = R562,50)

There will be a minimum referral fee set at R100. Transaction fees of 25% on R100 is, R100 – 25% = R75.

You don’t actually have to do much.

Once you have registered successfully below, the REFRL administrators will qualify you and possibly ask some questions or require some uploads before you can start.

If you are successful,  we will send your Unique Referral code as well as login details.

As eluded to, all REWRDS or as you know Referral Fees will be clearly indicated on each Professional or Merchant Profile Page.

It is important to know that REFRL will Only pay out REFRL REWRDS (Commissions or Spotters Fee, less tax), once all outstanding monies are paid over from a user and all outstanding fees are paid up from a Professional or Merchant.

REFRL (PTY) Ltd takes no responsibility for incorrect bank transfers if account information was provided incorrectly.

Please furnish us with a Bank stamped Letter indicating you as the owner or recipient of such account.

REFRL (PTY) Ltd will also not take any responsibility for the provision or payment of your income Tax on your referral fee as Commissions or Spotters fees.

We except no loss and we see the REFRL fees as full and final payment on every successful transaction. 

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