For a more advanced search that includes geolocation, please use the Advanced Search.
Step 1: Find a Professional or Merchant / Vendor that can provide you with goods or services. You can find them via the Professionals menu items at the top of the page or the search bar above. For a more advanced search feature you can use the Advanced Search button. Your current location would be used as the site you wish to search for, alternatively change the address. You can enter key words and categories as well as use the Geolocation slider to search within a radius of your choice and submit.
Step 2: Once you have found the desired Professional or Merchant, you can follow the link to their profile page for more information and contact details, information on the Professional/Merchant, their reviews, and a few before and after photos if applicable.
Step 3: Once you have successfully contacted the Professional or Merchant via REFRLand they need to visit your home or place of business we have a built in security feature to make sure the correct professional is indeed with you. Once a booking is confirmed the Professional will get a map to follow to your designated location and viewable and followed with special notes till they arrive. Receive a quote on REFRLand you decide to move forward or not. All payments are also directed through our REFRLEcosystem in order to protect all stakeholders. When the Professionals supplied the product(s) or service(s) you needed & agreed to, then you will be able to review the level of service you have received from both REFRLand the Professional / Merchant and rate them accordingly. If a final payment is requested, funds will be released to and from REFRL. This only when you the user is 100% satisfied.
: (Not Mandatory, however very rewarding) When the opportunity arises, Refer the Professionals you used and when the referred project is completed and paid for, you earn a finders fee / reward. Why not?
You will also be able to join as a:
Member that will give you access to unique specials and offers,
A referrer that will allow you to earn an extra income based on the success of your referrals.
A Professional so that you can offer your services or products. You will also receive unique specials and offers.
A Merchant who can sell their products through the REFRLsystem. You will also receive unique specials and discounts.
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